
Herbivory, tannins and sclerophylly in Chamaecrista linearifolia (Fabaceae) along an altitudinal gradient

João Augusto Madeira* , Katia Torres Ribeiro, G. Wilson Fernandes

Ecologia Evolutiva de Herbívoros Tropicais / DBG/ ICB/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, CP 486, Belo Horizonte, MG 30161-970, Brazil



The concentration of tannins in leaves, fruits, and flowers, leaf sclerophylly, leaf size and herbivore damage in Chamaecrista linearifolia (Fabaceae) were measured on three populations along an altitudinal gradient (600m, 850m, and 1,100m), in a cerrado vegetation in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Proportion of leaf area lost to insects was used as an index of herbivore damage, and its relationship with the other variable was analyzed. Greater tannin concentrations were found in leaves, followed by fruits, and flowers, respectively. With increasing altitude leaves tended to be smaller, more sclerophyllous and less predated, but there was no consistent altitudinal change in tannin concentration in any organ. Damage due to herbivores was related only to the altitudinal gradient but had no relationship with any other measured characteristics. The constancy in tannin concentration along the altitudinal gradient besides large variation in leaf damage weakens the idea that tannin production is strongly related to herbivore pressure.

Key words: altitudinal gradient; cerrado; insect herbivory; sclerophylly; tannins.



Chemical compounds of toxic or digestibility reducing potential have an important role in plant defense against herbivores and pathogens (19, 32, 34, 41). Nevertheless, the synthesis, maintenance and sequestration of these compounds may be costly to the plant (7, 10, 31). Most theoretical models on the interactions between herbivores and plant defense consider that plants should be under intense selection to produce an optimal defense level (5, 9, 27, 31, 32). In this cost/benefit relationship, the production of large amounts of defense of high molecular weight, such as tannins, would be advantageous

to defend long-lived organs, as observed when comparing tannin concentration in leaves of different plant species (9). The rationale is that these compounds have a high initial cost of production but, in the long term, they would be cheaper than low molecular weight substances, due to low turnover rates and maintenance costs (but see 14). We propose that the same pattern may occur between organs of the same plant with different longevities.



Along mountain slopes, variation in abiotic conditions may affect resource availability and, as a consequence, the carbon/nutrient balance of plants. With increasing elevation there is an increase in radiation intensity; also the soils are generally more exposed and shallower and have reduced nutrient availability and lower moisture-retaining capacity (35). If the reduction in water and/or nutrient availability is not accompanied by an inhibition of photosynthesis, plants at higher altitudes should produce an excess of carbon (25). If the production of secondary compounds is strongly related to resource availability (6, 25, 39), the concentration of C-based compounds, such as tannins, should increase at higher altitudes. Nevertheless, herbivore pressure may be higher at lower altitudes, as shown by many surveys of insect herbivore abundance along altitudinal gradients both in tropical and temperate zone (12, 21, 23, 42, but see 26, 33). Therefore, tannin production may reflect a balance between herbivore pressure and resource availability.

Tannins are carbon-based compounds of high molecular weight and are believed to reduce the digestibility of plant tissues by precipitating the proteins and enzymes of ingested tissues in the gut of herbivores (27, 31, 38, 41). Tannins also injure the gut of some insects (3, 19). They are viewed as strong anti-herbivory defenses of widespread effectiveness (19, 31, 32, 38) and seem to have a dosage-dependent mode of action (18, 19, but see 20).

Sclerophylly is a leaf trait also closely related to the nutrient status of the plant (28, 40) and plants with high C/N ratios are expected to be highly sclerophyllous (40). However, the role of each evolutionary force that may lead a species to bear sclerophyllous leaves is controversial. Sclerophylly may be an adaptation to water conservation, nutrient conservation and/or prevention of damage (40). In all cases, plant populations at higher elevations are expected to be more sclerophyllous. If sclerophylly is advantageous against herbivory, a negative correlation between sclerophylly and damage due to herbivory would be expected, independent of altitude. As tannin concentration and sclerophylly are similarly influenced by C/N ratio, we would also expect a positive correlation between them.

In this study we estimated tannin concentration in leaves, fruits and flowers, leaf sclerophylly, and herbivore pressure in three populations of Chamaecrista linearifolia var. latifolia Barneby (Fabaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in southeastern Brazil. The following questions were addressed: 1) Is there any difference in tannin concentration between leaves, flowers and fruits? 2) Do tannin concentration and leaf sclerophylly increase with increasing altitude? 3) Does leaf damage by herbivore increase with decreasing elevation? 4) Are leaf tannin concentration and sclerophylly positively correlated? 5) How are they related to leaf damage by herbivores?


Chamaecrista linearifolia var. latifolia is a perennial herbaceous legume, typical of cerrado and high elevation vegetation. It has a simple architecture, with many thin branches emerging from the ground. The branches rarely bifurcate and each supports around 10 to 20 leaves. Leaves have two leaflets, are resinous and have high tannin concentration (37).





Study area

The three populations chosen for this survey are at 600, 850 and 1,100m above sea level, along on the western slope of a mountain elevated from the Furnas Dam, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil (20o 40’W, 46o 19’S). It is an ancient terrain with quartzite preponderance and nutrient-poor sandy soils (22). The drier months are May to August (1), and this study was conducted in July 1995.

The 1,100m population was at the mountaintop, in open shrubby vegetation called "campo rupestre" (22). It is subject to direct sunlight during all day. The soils are exposed and erosion is intense, increasing the soils’ natural poverty. The population at 850m was on deeper soils, with taller and denser vegetation coverage. Some shade occurs due to sparse trees of the savanna (cerrado). The 600m population was near the dam’s barrage, where the soils were deeper and covered by herbaceous vegetation. More and taller trees are present, increasing shade over this population.

Tannin quantification

15 individuals of C. linearifolia were chosen at random from each population for tannin analysis. All leaves from three branches chosen at random and all fruits (of different ages) and flowers of each individual plant were collected, placed separately in an ice box and quickly taken to laboratory for tannin bioassay. The radial diffusion method (17) was used to quantify the condensed and hydrolisable tannins. The fresh material was macerated and an extract from 0.3g of each sample was obtained in 1mL of aqueous 50% methanol. Extracts were placed in round orifices made on a type I agarose gel cover containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) in Petri dishes. Three replicates from each organ were made for each individual. The precipitation of BSA by the extracted tannins produces an opaque halo on the gel, the diameter of which is proportional to the tannin concentration of the extract. From each halo we took two perpendicular diameter measures, and used the mean value. Results were compared to a standard curve obtained for tannic acid and BSA, hence providing an estimation of tannin concentration (mg tannic acid g-1 fresh material) (17).

The astringency (protein-precipitation property) depends on the concentration and also on the composition of tannins, because there is great variation in the reactivity of each compound type (20). Therefore, estimating tannin concentration of an extract using a standard curve constructed for a standard polyphenol may lead to error (8). In this work, we estimated astringency variations within a single plant species, and assumed that the qualitative composition of its tannins, and consequently their reactivity, should not vary consistently between populations or individual plants. Hence, astringency should be proportional to tannin concentration and provide a good relative quantification.

The variation in tannin concentration according to altitude and plant organ was analyzed with a two-way ANOVA (43).

Sclerophylly and leaf area

Specific leaf weight (SLW=dry weight/area) was used to estimate leaf sclerophylly (40). Ten mature leaves per plant were collected from the same individuals used for tannin quantification (15 plants per altitude). Leaves were dried at 60oC for 48 hours and then weighed on an analytical balance. We used a LICOR 3,000-leaf area meter to measure


leaf area. SLW and leaf area values showed normal distribution and homogeneous variances, allowing the utilization of ANOVA (43). Simple linear regressions were performed between sclerophylly and tannin concentration within plants of each population to test for positive correlation between these traits.



Leaf damage by leaf chewers, used as a herbivory index, was estimated as the proportion of lost leaf area. Leaf chewing was probably caused by several insect taxa. Lepidopteran larvae, Orthopteran nymphs and adult beetles were commonly found feeding on C. linearifolia leaves. On each population a transect line was extended and the first ten plants found within a 1m width on both sides of the line were used to estimate herbivory. On each individual we measured the total leaf area and the proportion of leaf area removed by herbivores on 10 old leaves from 5 branches chosen at random. Only leaves with signs of both leaflets were considered, to avoid an overestimation of herbivory, which would occur if abscised leaflets were considered as eaten. This caution might have lead to underestimation ( 8).

Total and damaged leaf area were estimated using a grid of 0.25cm2 (0.5 x 0.5cm) drawn on a glass dish. The number of squares touched by the leaf lamina, or by its visual reconstitution, was counted, providing the number of squares containing intact and consumed leaf lamina for each leaf. Mean total leaf area and mean proportion of consumed leaf area by herbivory were calculated for each individual plant. Values were expressed in number of touched squares. Differences in damaged leaf area between populations were tested with a Kruskal-Wallis test, as variances were not homogeneous (43). A stepwise multiple regression was employed to verify the effects of sclerophylly, leaf area, leaf tannin concentration and altitude on herbivory.


Tannin concentration

Leaves had significantly higher tannin concentrations than fruits, while flowers had the smallest tannin concentrations. This pattern was consistent in all populations. Nevertheless, tannin concentration within organs did not vary among populations (two-way ANOVA; Organs: F2,126 = 28994.96, p < 0.0001; Altitude: F2,126 = 152.79, p= ns; Interaction: F4,126 = 1.25, p = ns (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Tannin concentration in leaves fruits and flowers for the three populations of Chamaecrista linearifolia (mean ± s.e.). Different letters denote statistically significant differences. = leaves; = fruits; = flowers.

Sclerophylly and leaf area

Leaves tended to be smaller and more sclerophyllous at higher altitudes (one-way ANOVA; Leaf area: F2,40= 14.40; p < 0.0001; Sclerophylly: F2,40 = 19.38; p < 0.0001; Figure 2a,b). There was no significant relationship between leaf sclerophylly and leaf tannin content at any population (600m: r2 = 0.041, p = n.s.; 850m: r2 = 0.134, p = n.s.; 1100m: r2 = 0.012, p = n.s.). The relationship between leaf area and sclerophylly was weak considering all plants together (y = 0.02 - 0.41x; r2 = 0.17; p < 0.01; n = 43) and not significant when each population was considered separately.





The proportion of leaf area consumed by leaf-chewing herbivores increased with decreasing altitude. Nevertheless, herbivory was not correlated with leaf sclerophylly, tannin concentration nor leaf area, and these variables were excluded from the stepwise multiple regression model (herbivory x altitude: y = 22.07 - 0.67x; r2 = 0.45; p < 0.0001; n = 38 (Figure. 2c).

Figure 2: Leaf area, sclerophylly and herbivory (Mean ± s.e. and confidence intervals) on 3 populations of Chamaecrista linearifolia along an altitudinal gradient. 2a) Leaf area (number of 0.25cm2 squares touched by leaf lamina); 2b) leaf sclerophylly (specific leaf weight [SLW = dry weight / area]); and 2c) herbivory (percent of leaf area [in squares, like 2a] lost due to insect chewing herbivory).


Chamaecrista linearifolia showed increased levels of specific leaf weight and a reduction in mean leaf area with increasing altitude. Smaller leaf area and higher specific leaf weight are two features frequently associated with sclerophylly (29). Furthermore, plant scleromorphism tends to be accentuated at higher altitudes, due to increased radiation intensity and water and nutrients limitation (15, 35). Nevertheless, there was no strong correlation between leaf area and sclerophylly considering plants as units.

In contrast, tannin content within organs (leaves, fruits, and flowers) did not differ statistically between the three populations along the altitudinal gradient. Tannins showed a conservative pattern of higher concentration in leaves, followed by fruits and flowers, respectively.

Herbivory showed no correlation with either tannin concentration, sclerophylly or leaf area, but was clearly more intense at lower altitudes. This pattern may be related to a decrease in herbivore abundance with increasing altitude.



The constancy in tannin concentration across altitudes considering leaves, fruits and also flowers, and the absence of correlation between tannin content and herbivore damage suggest that tannin production is not directly related to herbivore pressure, at least in this species. The idea of a direct relationship between herbivory and concentration of defensive compounds such as tannins is based on the assumption that their production compromise other plant’s functions (7, 13, 36). Nevertheless, in plants on poor soils and under high light intensity, the photosynthetic activity may exceed its capacity to acquire nutrients, leading to high abundance of C-based compound (25). This is perhaps the reason for a luxuriant accumulation of suber by many cerrado tree species (16, 24). Other studies conducted in sclerophyllous vegetation describe an unexpected constancy in tannin concentration, both in plants of a single species occurring at different habitats at same elevations or at different altitudes in the cerrado (33) or in Mediterranean plants submitted to severe browsing and thinning treatments (30). In such cases, the negative relationship between herbivory and investment in quantitative defenses may be masked by the carbon excess (39). Furthermore, carbon excess is related to many other features that may negatively affect herbivore performance, as increased leaf toughness and reduced nutritional quality of tissues (33, 40). The fact that some insect species are either not affected or even benefited by tannins (2, 3, 4) may have contributed to this absence of relationships.

It may be interesting to rescue Feeny’s (11) ideas on plant apparency to interpret the pattern of decreasing tannin concentration from leaves to fruits and then flowers, somehow parallel to a decreasing gradient in longevity. As leaves are usually more "apparent" in time, they should deserve higher investments in "quantitative" defenses, which might deter a wide array of herbivores (11). Moreover, authors (7) proposed that plants with longer-lived leaves would be benefited if defended by C-based compounds of high molecular weight, with an initial elevated cost of production but low turnover rates. Chamaecrista linearifolia leaves are more persistent than the fruits, while flowers are the most ephemeral of the three organs. This positive relationship between longevity and tannin content suggests the possibility of an extension of Coley et al.’s hypothesis to different organs within a plant. It must be remembered, nevertheless, that a direct relationship between herbivory and tannin production within organs was not found.


We thank R. Preszler and I. D. Hodkinson for the valuable criticism on earlier versions of this paper, and R. Barneby for kindly identifying our plant as C. linearifolia. We also thank the logistical support provided by Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/A, the assistance of its employees, and the kindness of I. Cruz (EMBRAPA), who loaned to us the leaf area meter. The study was conducted during a field course offered by the Pos. Graduate in "Ecologia, Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre" (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, MG State) in 1995 and we thank all students for field and laboratory assistance. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, CNPq (521772/95-8), and FAPEMIG (1950/95) supported this study.



Herbivoria, taninos e esclerofilia em Chamaecrista linearifolia (Fabaceae) ao longo do gradiente altitudinal. As concentrações de taninos em folhas, frutos e flores, esclerofilia, tamanho foliar e pressão de herbivoria em Chamaecrista linearifolia (Fabaceae) foram medidos em três populações ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal (600m,


850m, and 1.100m), em uma região de cerrado em Minas Gerais, Brasil. O dano causado por herbívoros foi estimado pela proporção de área foliar perdida, e foi avaliada sua relação com a esclerofilia, área foliar, concentração de taninos nas folhas e altitude. Foram encontradas maiores concentrações de taninos em folhas, seguidas por frutos e flores. Com o aumento da altitude houve redução na área foliar e na pressão de herbivoria e aumento na esclerofilia. Não houve variação altitudinal na concentração de taninos em nenhum órgão. Herbivoria não apresentou correlação com nenhuma das características medidas nas plantas, apenas com o gradiente altitudinal, sugerindo que a abundância de herbívoros em cada local pode estar influenciando os padrões de herbivoria. A constância altitudinal na concentração de taninos junto a uma enorme variação em todas as outras variáveis enfraquece a idéia de que a produção de taninos está fortemente vinculada à defesa contra herbívoros.

Palavras chave: cerrado; esclerofilia; gradiente altitudinal; herbivoria; taninos.



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