Symbiotic association of Metania spinata (Porifera, Metaniidae) and Chlorophyceae

Intrapopulational variation in growth rates os nestling ruddy ground-dove (Columbina talpacoti, Aves:Columbidae) in Brazil

Teoric methodologic considerations of neuristic potencial in use of integrate geographic information system about database of relation dates in diagnostics of risco populational health due industrial pollution

Utilization of textural information and matematic morphology in class definition urban land use

Vegetation structure and edaphic factors in a disturbeb area of coastal plain forest in the Praia do Sul Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The influence of the Macrophytes Echinochloa polystachya (H.B.K.) Hitchcock on the physical and chemical characteristics of water in the mouth zone of Paranapanema river into the Jurumirim Reservoir - SP

Effect of sand extration on aquatic macrophyte community structure in a lotic ecosystem of the coast region of São Paulo State

Is there a difference between the white water floodplain forests (várzea) and black water floodplain forests (igapó) in relation to number of species and density ?

NOTE: The papers are of authors responsabilty.