Welcome to Brazilian Journal of Ecology.

This newspaper in one of products of Ecology Society of Brazil, created in 1988 in Ecology Departament of Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil. The first president was doctor Nivar Gobbi, and the others were doctors José Galizia Tundisi and Flávio Minguante Schilitler. In the last two administration I’m the president of this Society. The Ecology Society of Brazil did many meetings and symposia and every two years does the National Congress of Ecoloy.

This Society was created with basic objective to congregate the specialists in Ecology and Environmental Impacts. They have one convergent vision about the preservation and/or conservation ecosystems and others systems. The also study the recuperation of degradated area. The Society stimulates the multi, inter and transdisciplinarity studies and actions, mainly about alimentary chair and energy flux. These process sustain ecosystems in equilibrium.

The actual board of directors of this Society has consubstantiated basic mission to publish its journal and the other publications for the community interest.

Since 1994 the Ecology Society of Brazil is being reformulated to up to date and to expedite its actions and to reach better efficiency.

Today is has six hundred members from all over the national territory. This society hopes that its members have a very intense participation in its activities and in the improvement of environmental quality. The society documents such as its regiment, statute and regulation are being reviewed for better results.

" Without counsel, the work perishes", so I expect the contribution of the society members for the improvement of the works in future publications. This first issue in the result of the effort of the authors, reviewer and EDITORs, who worked hard to create a new alternative to publication in the environmental area.


Sâmia Maria Tauk Tornisielo
