

Orlando J. Bratfich(1), Roberto N. Domingos(2), Dejanira F. de Angelis(1) and Ederio D. Bidoia(1) *

(1) Departamento de Bioquímica e Microbiologia, I.B. - UNESP, 13506-900 - Rio Claro - SP, Brazil; (2) Departamento de Física, IGCE - UNESP, 13500-900 Rio Claro - SP, Brazil

* Ederio D. Bidoia - Departamento de Bioquímica e Microbiologia, I.B. - UNESP - Av. 24-A, 1515 - 13506-900 - Rio Claro - SP, Brazil - Tel: +55 (19) 526-4135 - Fax: +55 (19) 534-0009



Bacillus subtilis (ATCC-9372) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann RoyalÒ ) cell suspensions were electrolyzed and the viable cell concentration was dependent to the electrolysis time. Bacteria showed less resistance to death than the yeast due to the differences in cell wall composition. The electrolysis is a suitable decontamination process to favour yeasts in relation to bacteria.

Key words: Bacillus subtilis, cast-iron electrode, decontamination process, electrolysis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Electrooxidation has been shown as a viable alternative to biological treatments of wastewater (1, 2). Electrolysis can reduce the number of viable cells without the need of adding any chemical substances (3). Microorganism growth rate can be controlled by electrolysis because one species can have its growth rate partially or totally unchanged while other species can be strongly affected (4).

In this work, two kinds of microorganism suspensions, one containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann RoyalÒ , a yeast used in ethanol production processes from sugar cane, and the other containing Bacillus subtilis (ATCC-9372), an endospore-forming gram-positive bacterium which is resistant to adverse conditions, were electrolyzed with the objective of evaluating the decrease of colony-forming units per ml (c.f.u./ml) with the electrolysis time The electrolyses were carried out using an electrode assembly containing 14 plates of cast iron (2 mm thickness, total geometric area of 1109 m2) spaced 5 mm apart. A volume of 1.8 l of microorganism suspension was electrolyzed in every trial under magnetic stirring. A DC power source (Fok Gyem - model TR-9158/A) was used to apply a constant potential of 15.0 V; at this voltage the current is greater than 1 A, which leads to a c.f.u./ml reduction of more than 90% in the maximum time of 60 min. After different electrolysis times, the electrolyte was sampled for cell counting and to determine its conductivity, temperature and pH.



The growth conditions enumeration method and the culture media utilized for B. subtilis and S. cerevisiae were the following:

The suspensions (1.8 l) were prepared by the addition of centrifuged cell pellets (4000 rpm for 10 min) in sterilized tap water. The initial viability was 2.2 x 107 cell/ml of bacteria or 7.2 x 106 cell/ml of the yeasts (Table 1 and 2). Sterilized tap water was used as a reference substrate for the pH and conductivity measurements.

Table 1 - Data for the electrolysis of a B. subtilis (ATCC-9372) suspension at 15.0 V.


Table 2 - Data for the electrolysis of a S. cerevisiae (Fleischmann RoyalÒ ) suspension at 15.0 V.



. The B. subtilis (ATCC-9372) cultures were grown in nutrient broth (3 g of beef extract, 5 g of peptone in 1 1 of water) at 150 oscillation/min during 24 h and pH = 7.0. The bacillus cells were quantified as c.f.u./ml by PCA (plate count agar) using the technique of pour plate after incubation for 72 h at 360 C to determine the viable total-cell counting.

· Pure yeast cultures of S. cerevisiae (Fleischmann RoyalÒ ), a non-flocculating strain, were grown in a YEPD broth (10 g of yeast extract, 20 g of peptone, 20 g of dextrose in 1 1 of water) at 150 oscillation/min during 24 h and pH = 6.5. The yeast cell counting number was determined as c.f.u./ml in YEPD agar (YEPD broth plus 18 g of agar) using the technique of pour plate for 72 h at 300 C.

As shown in Table 1, about 94% of the B. subtilis (ATCC-9372) cells could not be recovered in the plate count after 5 min of electrolysis. On the other hand, the yeast (S. cerevisiae - Fleischmann RoyalÒ ) showed a higher resistance to electrolysis, since only 10% of the individuals died after 5 min of electrolysis (Table 2). Probably, this difference in resistance to death from electrolysis is mainly due to the different composition of the cell walls of the two microorganisms. Considering that the conductivity and pH have not changed significantly (great changes in conductivity and pH could diminish the cell viability of the suspensions), the main cause of the decrease in the cell viability was the electrolysis time. Furthermore, electrolysis causes the yeast to flocculate, despite it being a non-flocculating strain (the flocs consisted of dead cells with some live cells trapped inside, which was observed using erythrosin dye); this should be caused by changes in the superficial charges around the yeast cell wall during the electrooxidation. The B. subtilis cells, on the other hand, did not flocculate and the electrolysis was efficient to kill most of the cells. In conclusion, these results indicate that electrolysis might be well suited as a decontamination process to favour yeasts (fungi) in relation to bacteria.



Eletrólises de Suspensões de Bacillus subtilis (ATCC-9372) e de Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann RoyalÒ ) Utilizando Eletrodos de Ferro Fundido. Suspensões celulares de Bacillus subtilis e Saccharomyces cerevisiae foram eletrolisadas e observou-se que a concentração de células viáveis era dependente do tempo de eletrólise. B. subtilis mostrou-se menos viável que S. cerevisiae após tratamento eletrolítico provavelmente devido a diferenças na composição da parede celular. A eletrólise atua como um processo de descontaminação de bactérias em suspensões contendo leveduras.

Palavras-chave: Bacillus subtilis, eletrodo de ferro, eletrólises, processo de descontaminação, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.







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