Central Administration - Rio Claro, SP - Brazil


Guidelines to authors

Scope of the Journal

                Revista Brasileira de Ecologia (Brazilian Journal of Ecology), published by the Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil (Ecology Society of Brazil), is intended for publication of original research papers, research notes and, occasionally, reviews, covering all aspects of Ecology.

Submitting manuscripts

                Submission of manuscript for the Brazilian Journal of Ecology is understood to imply that it has not previously been published (except in an abstract form) and that it is not being considered for publication anywhere.

                 All manuscripts should be typewritten in English or Portuguese. They will be submitted in triplicate, and analyzed by EDITORs of Journal of the Ecology Society of Brazil. Names and addresses are cited in the front pART of this issue.

Publication of a manuscripts

                Manuscripts are accepted for publication only after they are critically reviewed. After review, the manuscript will be returned to the nominated author for revision according to suggestions made by reviewers.

                The corresponding author may except to hear from the EDITOR within 8-12 weeks after submission of a manuscript, as to its acceptability for publication. All manuscripts are sent to two different referees for their review and recommendations. The EDITOR and/or Associate EDITORs make the final decision on acceptance or rejection.

                The author is notified when a manuscript is received and also when it is accepted or rejected for publication. On acceptance of the paper, the nominated author will be requested to send the text on a computer diskette. Gallery proofs will be sent to the author for correction. They should be checked carefully and handled promptly (5 days) according to instructions, which are attached.

                Membership of Ecology Society of Brazil is a prerequisite for acceptance of manuscript for a free publication. (At least one of the authors should be pARTner and to be in day with his annuity with SEB.)

                Brazilian Journal of Ecology assumes no responsibility of the errors made by the authors. This Journal assumes no responsibility for conclusions reached by the authors.

Types of papers

                The copies should be types written, with 25-mm margins on all sides, double-spaced, on one side of the paper (21 x 28cm). Authors are should submit their manuscripts on IBM PC compatible personal computer diskettes (3.5") together with its three printed version. These may be HD/DD, Microsoft Word for Windows.

                The research paper reports results of original research, which have not been published anywhere else. It consists of 12 to 15 pages, the text with double space, Times New Roman (12) - written pages plus appropriate references, Tables and Figures. Three copies of each paper will be to send to the central of SEB with a diskette. In this diskette, the paper will be written with the same form of the Journal’s publication, as correct form as possible.

                They should contain a 150-200 Word in Abstract (Resumo), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, Resumo (Abstract), References and Illustrations or Tables with legends and titles, numbered and already inserted in the text. (P.S.: The figures must be avoided if there aren't extremely necessary; the Brazilian Society of Ecology DO NOT HAVE responsibility in the quality of the figures published in the Journal ).

                The Abstract or Resumo in the end of text will have the title of the paper in Bold before the text of it. This pART of the paper will be presented with the key words. They should be designed for printing in a 1-column width.


Short Communications.

                It is a concise account of new and significant findings. Preliminary reports and letters to the EDITOR: It should be written according to the guidelines given for research papers but without the heading divisions. It's abstract and resume (in Portuguese) should not exceed 50 words. Figures and tables are restricted to a maximum of two figures or two tables, or one table and one figure. The designation "short communication" will appear above the title of this type of paper. The author should specify that this manuscript is a short communication.

ARTicles' Review of Ecological Interest.

                They should be presented in the same format as full paper, except that it should not be divided into sections such as Introduction, Material and Methods and others It should, however, contain and Abstract of 50  words in Portuguese (Resume).

Organization of Manuscripts


  1. All manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in Word for Windows 3.1 or more recent program, with wide margins and the pages should be numbered sequentially.
  2. Research papers should be restricted to the maximum of 15 printed pages, including Figures and Tables. Short Communications are restricted to 6 printed pages including Figures and Tables.
  3. Up to now all manuscripts should be submitted written in English or Portuguese but in the future, only in English.
  4. Tabulation: 0,5cm. Words: Times New Roman. Title 14 and text 12.
  5. Author (e.g. Peter M. Kohn) and title (e.g. Production of...).
  6. Figures must be sent already scanned and inserted together with legend in text sequence.
  7. The topics should be typed in capital letters (e.g. ABSTRACTS, INTRODUCTION, etc).
  8. Abbreviations of terms and symbols follow the recommendation of the IUPAC – IUB Commission and Metric Systems in to be used throughout.
  9. Authors of the accepted papers will be requested to send a 3" ½ diskette containing the text prepared in P.C. based word processor (simple space).

Title Page.

                A separate page should be used to give the title of the paper, complete name (including first name and middle initial) and affiliation of each author. An asterisk should be placed after the name of the author to whom correspondence about the paper should be sent. The telephone and fax number of this author should be given in the bottom of the page. No text of the manuscript should appear on the title page.

                The title should be as brief as possible, contain no abbreviations and be truly indicative of the subject of the paper. Expressions such as "Effects of ", "Influence of", "Studies on", etc, should be avoided. Care should be exercised in preparing the title since it is used in literature retrieval systems.


                The abstract should be typed in a separate page and should not exceed 250 words. It should summarize the basic contents of the paper. The abstracts should be meaningful without having to read the remainder of the paper. Abstracts should not contain references, tables or unusual abbreviations. Abstracts are reprinted by abstracting journals and hence will be read by persons who do not have access to the entire paper. Hence the abstract must be prepared with great care. Three to five key words should also be included.


                Resume in the abstract written in Portuguese. Its preparation should follow the same recommendations for the abstract in English. The resume should also contain a title in Portuguese. The rules for the title in Portuguese are the same for the title in English (see above). Three to five key words (palavras chaves) have also to be included. The resume and the title in Portuguese should also typed in a separate page.


                The introduction should begin on a new page and provide the reader with sufficient information so that results reported in the paper can properly evaluated without referring to the literature. However, the introduction should not be an extensive review of the literature. The introduction should also give the rationale for and objectives of the study that is being reported.


Material and Methods

                This section should provide enough information for other investigators to repeat the work. Repetition of details of procedures, which have already been published elsewhere, should be avoided. If a published method is modified, such modification(s) must be described in the paper. Sources of reagents, culture media and equipment (company, city, state, and country) should be mentioned in the text. Names that are registered trademarks should be so indicated. Subheading often makes this section easier to read and understand.


                This section should, by means of text, tables and /or figures, give the results of the experiments. If a Discussion section is to be included, avoid extensive interpretation of results but do so in the Discussion section. When the Results  and Discussion   are combined. Then results should be discussed where, in the text, it is most appropriate. Tables should be numbered independently of the figures using Arabic numerals. All tables and figures must be mentioned in the text. The approximate location of tables and figures in the text should be indicated.


                The discussion should provide an interpretation of the results in relation to know information.


Results and Discussion can be presented together.


                This section is optional and follows the Discussion. It acknowledges financial and personal assistance.


                Arrange the references in alphabetical order, by last name of the author. All authors must be cited.

                Number the references consecutively. Cite each reference in the text by its number. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the style of Biological Abstracts or Chemical Abstracts. All references given in the list should be cited in the text and all references mentioned in the text must be included in the list. List references according to the style shown in the following examples.

a. Paper in a journal

Campos, L.C., Whittam , T.S., Gomes, T.A.T., Andrade, J.R.C., Trabulsi, L.R. Escherichia coli serogroup 0111 includes several clones of diarrheagenic strains with different virulence properties. Infect. Immun., 62: 3282-3288, 1994.

b. Paper or chapter in a book

Salati, E., Tauk-Tornisielo, S.M. Ecology. In: Campos, F.M.; Sachs, B.; Muska, K.G. (eds.). General Ecology. Mapples Deker, Los Angeles, 1995, p.361-377.

c. Book by author(s)

Salyers, A. A., Whritt , D.D. Bacterial pathogenesis. A molecular approach. ASM, Washington, 1994, 418p.

d. Patent

Hussong, R.V., MARTh, E.H., Vakaleris, D.G. Manufacture of cottage cheese. U.S. Pat. 3,117,870. Jan. 14, 1964.

e. Thesis

Soave, R.C.F. Aspectos ambientais da mineração de Calcário no município de Rio Claro. Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Rio Claro, SP, UNESP. 1990, 237 p.

f. Publication with no identifiable author or EDITOR

Anonymous. The economy of by-products. Álcool Alcoolquim., 2:3-40, 1985.

g. Communications in events (Symposia, conferences, and other), but not abstract so papers published in Proceedings.

Simão, G.S.; Silva J.; Toledo, A. S.; Gontijo Filho, P.P. Microbactérias não tuberculosas isoladas de pacientes com síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida. Anais do XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, Santos, SP. 1993, p.41- 50.

h. References citing "personal communication" or "unpublished data" are discouraged, although it is recognized that sometimes they must be used. In these cases, they should be cited in the text and not in the list of references.

i. References consisting of papers that are "accepted for publication or "in press" are acceptable. However, references of papers that are "submitted" or "in preparation" are not acceptable.

j. Tables

                Tables should not be included in the text. Each Table must be typed in a separate page and numbered sequentially with an Arabic number. The title of a Table should be placed in the top of in the top of it and should be brief but fully descriptive of the information in the Table. Headings and subheadings should be concise with columns and rows of data carefully centered below them.


                Arabic numbers should be used for numbering the Figures. Data in Tables should not be repeated in Figures. The legend of the Figures should be placed in the bottom of them.

Photographs and line drawings.

                Only those photographs, which are strictly necessary for the understanding of the paper, should be submitted. Photo prints must be of sufficient quality to ensure good reproduction. They should be numbered on the back and identified with the nominated author’s name. Legends of line drawings and photographs should not exceed the printing area. All elements in the drawings should be prepared to withstand reductions. Drawings and line figures should be drawn in black ink on tracing paper and should prepared as indicated for the photographs. Colored illustrations are not accepted.


                The publish form of de Journal in paper or diskette is for substituted the reprints of each paper.

Important Observations:

  1. The publication of the Journal in the correct period depends of the payment of the annuity by the members of Ecology Society of Ecology. Today is very difficult to receive financial by this publication.
  2. The publication time depends of the authors and revisers. They will be as possible as to analyzed or put in the correct form the papers.
  3. The revision of the English and/or Portuguese is very important, principally today, when this Society doesn’t have much money to pay any reviewer this aspect of the papers.
  4. when sending the manuscript for the first time it's not necessary to send the diskette, just if the manuscript is accepted for publication.


Secretária: Sara Cristina Galvão Rodrigues

Colaboradores: Reginaldo César Bortolin e Jorbson Antonio Giovanni

Consultores Científicos: Pesquisadores escolhidos pela Comissão EDITORial (serão relacionados no primeiro número de cada volume do ano seguinte ao da colaboração).

Distribuição da Revista: A Revista Brasileira de Ecologia é distribuída a todos os sócios da SEB, assinantes e as instituições nacionais e estrangeiras de educação e pesquisa.

Aquisição por não membros: Assinatura anual, porte simples, R$ 65,00 (Brasil). Exemplares avulsos poderão ser adquiridos ao preço de R$ 20,00 (revista mais o disquete) ou R$ 10,00 somente a revista (Brasil). A remessa deve ser feita com cheque nominal à Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil .

Accession by nom-members: Annual subscription (1 volume with two issues) US$ 65.00. Separate issues with diskette US$ 20.00 and so 1 issue US$ 10.00. Checks to Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil.

A Revista Brasileira de Ecologia é um periódico de divulgação científica, publicado pela Sociedade de Ecologia do Brasil, fundada em 1988, responsável pela divulgação de trabalhos técnicos - científicos originais e inéditos de interesse da Ecologia e Ciências Ambientais. Os conceitos emitidos em ARTigos ou notas assinadas são de exclusiva responsabilidade de seus autores, não refletindo, necessariamente, a opinião do corpo EDITORial ou da SEB.

Toda correspondência deverá ser encaminhada a Sede da SEB, situada no Centro de Estudos Ambientais da UNESP, Campus de Rio Claro, SP. Avenida 24-A, n.1515, CP 199. Rio Claro, SP, CEP 13.506-900 Brasil.